EEOICPA: Is my illness covered?

The language of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) can make it difficult to understand whether the illness you have been diagnosed with is a covered illness under the program. This article will explain eligibility and covered illnesses in a simplified manner so that you can get the answers you are looking […]
Are EEOICPA Benefits Taxable?

Are EEOICPA Benefits Taxable? You’ve been awarded your EEOICPA benefits, so now what? We are often asked whether EEOICPA benefits are taxable as income. Although our experience is that these benefits are not taxable, we advise all of our clients to check with an accountant regarding the proper treatment of his or her individual circumstances. But […]
EEOICPA Part E: Survivor Benefits

EEOICPA Part E Eligibility Under Part E of the EEOICPA, Department of Energy (DOE) employees, contractors, subcontractors, or their survivors may be eligible for compensation if they have developed an illness due to exposure to a toxic substance at a DOE facility. Unlike Part B, illnesses covered for potential compensation and payment of medical expenses […]
Hanford: Plutonium-Contaminated Plant

Hanford will miss deadline to tear down plutonium-contaminated plant Hanford – “the most toxic place in America,” “an underground Chernobyl waiting to happen,” is in the news again this month after a project to dismantle a plutonium-contaminated plant was delayed. The reasons for the delays include inclement weather and “improvements to better protect workers,” one […]
EEOICPA Dose Reconstruction Meeting

Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health meeting in Naperville, IL March 22, 2017 | The following is taken from the transcript of the Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health meeting in Naperville, IL. We hope to develop issues such as these in order to make the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act […]
EEOICPA Special Exposure Cohort Coverage

EEOICPA Special Exposure Cohort Coverage: Amarillo, Texas Effective February 3, 2017, the following class of workers was added to the Special Exposure Cohort of the EEOICPA. The Act now includes potential compensation for all employees of the U.S. Department of Energy, its predecessor agencies, and contractors and subcontractors who worked at the Amarillo, TX plant. […]
Verifying Employment for Employees of Allied Technology Group (ATG) for Remedial Action Project at Weldon Springs Plant, Formerly Mallinckrodt

by Patrick Dwyer One of the EEOICPA requirements to verify employment (site presence) at any Department of Energy (DOE) facility is proof of a contract. The contract is between the affected workers’ employer and one of three entities—either the main contractor, a DOE facility subcontractor, or the DOE itself. For instance, we represented someone who […]
Uranium Miller Benefits under RECA and EEOICPA
Uranium mill workers (millers) are entitled to compensation for kidney cancer and kidney disfunction – this is an important distinction between uranium miners and uranium mill workers. Beyond that, the compensation is very similar: $100,000 through the U.S. Department of Justice as well as an additional $50,000 through the U.S. Department of Labor. The miller […]
Downwinder Benefits Under RECA
Downwinders receive compensation if they can show that they were present downwind of the Nevada Test Site in a certain geographic area in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona and for a specific minimum duration. This area includes specific counties within those states. The time period is 2 years during the period of January 21st, 1951 through […]