The EEOICPA’s Dose Reconstruction Process Explained

In our continuing efforts to make the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) both more accessible and understandable, we’ve created a series of short videos in which Hugh Stephens, Esq. explains the Act, along with the various finer points that claimants need to take into consideration in order to be successfully compensated under the Act. […]
22 Cancers & EEOICPA

In our continuing efforts to make the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) both more accessible and understandable, we’ve created a series of short videos in which Hugh Stephens, Esq. explains the Act, along with the various finer points that claimants need to take into consideration in order to be successfully compensated under the Act. […]
A Look at the Special Exposure Cohort Process

In our continuing efforts to make the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) both more accessible and understandable, we’ve created a series of short videos in which Hugh Stephens, Esq. explains the Act, along with the various finer points that claimants need to take into consideration in order to be successfully compensated under the Act. […]
EEOICPA: Part B Described

In our continuing efforts to make the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) both more accessible and understandable, we’ve created a series of short videos in which Hugh Stephens, Esq. explains the Act, along with the various finer points that claimants need to take into consideration in order to be successfully compensated under the Act. […]
Intro to the EEOICPA

Hugh Stephens, Esq. introduces the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA), which was passed in 2000. He speaks about the types of facilities that were involved in the atomic weapons manufacturing process and benefits workers at those facilities might be eligible for under the Act. Hugh explains what the Act might mean for […]
10 Reasons to Engage EEOICPA Counsel
Claims Examiners in the Department of Energy Employee Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) within the Office of Workers Compensation (OWCP) of the Department of Labor (DOL) often attempt to discourage claimants from engaging EEOICPA Counsel (an EEOICPA Attorney or an EEOICPA Lawyer) to assist with an EEOICPA claim. I think it is important for Energy Workers […]
DOE or DOD, Department of Energy (DOE) Employees and Department of Defense (DOD) Civilian Employees and Compensation under the EEOICPA Program Administered by the Department of Labor
A number of claimants have contacted our office recently concerning whether employment at an Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) designated facility gives rise to compensation under the EEOICPA program. The workers involved were employed at the designated facility and that employment was during a Special Exposure Cohort (SEC) time period. They also […]
The Difference Between Part B & Part E under EEOICPA

EEOICPA Clarification from an EEOICPA Attorney One of the many areas of confusion under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Act (EEOICPA) is the relationship between Part B and Part E. EEOICPA PART B Under Part B a worker who was exposed to radiation can receive compensation of $150,000 (1) if his or her cancer […]