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Roundup and multiple myeloma (MM) and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL)

Roundup is a glyphosate-based herbicide widely used by large-scale farmers worldwide. Glyphosate is a chemical used in herbicides to kill weeds and grass. It works by blocking the production of a protein or enzyme that supports plant growth. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) committees of scientists evaluated several studies and […]

The Proposed RECA Amendments 2023

The proposed RECA amendments 2023 extend the coverage of the Act for 19 years. It also includes previously uncovered “downwinders” believed to have been unfairly left out of the program. Only claimants who lived in Utah, Nevada, and Arizona during the exposure period are currently eligible for compensation. The US government conducted close to 200 above-ground […]

The New York No-Fault Law

The New York No-Fault Law, also known as the Comprehensive Motor Vehicle Insurance Reparations Act, has been effective since February 1, 1974. The legislature passed this law, within the scope of no-fault insurance, to provide prompt payment of health expenses, lost wages, and other reasonable expenses occurring from auto accidents. Under the no-fault law, victims […]

Federal Black Lung Program

Federal Black Lung Program or Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation, administers claims filed under the Black Lung Benefits Act: This Act compensates those disabled from pneumoconiosis due to coal mine employment and their survivors. “Disabled” means the victim cannot perform the work they did as a coal miner due to breathing coal mine dust […]

Legal Issues on Auto Accidents in New York

The law surrounding road collisions and compensation differs from state to state in terms of who should pay for damages and the statute of limitations for personal injury and property damages. Knowing Legal Issues on Auto Accidents in New York can help you stay out of trouble and get compensation for property, medical bills, lost […]

End-Stage Terminally Ill EEOICPA Claimants

While the Department of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation processes claims fairly, Terminally Ill EEOICPA Claimants are given priority. This refers to claimants eligible under Part B and Part E of the Act who are in the end stage of a covered illness. The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) outlines compensation for […]

The State of Washington Workers Compensation Program Federal Government Lawsuit

The enactment of the Washington Hanford workers’ compensation program in 2018 raised a conflict between the state of Washington and the federal government, with the federal government suing the state for illegalities related to the passing of the law. In the State of Washington workers’ compensation program federal government lawsuit, the federal government alleged that […]

State of Washington’s Workers Compensation Program (Labor & Industry)

Washington’s Workers Compensation Program Act was passed to compensate current and former Hanford site contract workers with certain illnesses exposed to toxic chemicals and radiation at the nuclear waste site. The Hanford nuclear site is a 580 sq. mile area in Southeastern Washington state. It was designated in 1943 for the production of plutonium used […]

DOL EEOICPA Compensation, Medicare, Medicaid, and Private Insurance

The US Department of Labor’s Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs provides compensation and medical benefits for illnesses and diseases from occupational exposure to certain chemicals and radiation. These benefits are covered under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICPA or Act) enacted in October 2000. Medicare is a federal government health insurance for persons aged […]