Savannah River Site Facility (SRS) EEOICPA Claim
The Savannah River Site (SRS) is a US DOE industrial complex that produces, processes, secures, and stores nuclear materials for national defense. It also engages in atomic nonproliferation efforts as well as the development and deployment of environmental protection technologies related to the treatment of solid and liquid hazardous nuclear wastes. The facility was originally […]
Holdover Eviction Cases in Buffalo City Court in Erie County
A landlord starts a holdover case to evict a tenant or occupant from a home for reasons other than nonpayment of rent. Holdover cases can be based on the expiration of a lease or failure to comply with the lease agreement. A lease or rental agreement helps stabilize a neighborhood. It defines how renters will […]
Tenant Evictions in Buffalo City Court in Erie County
The law governing tenant eviction in New York State defers in different counties. To start a tenant eviction process in Buffalo City Court in Erie County, a landlord must obtain an eviction warrant from the court. The landlord should first petition the court and prove their reason for the eviction. The court then rules on […]
Personal Injury and Workers’ compensation Statutes of Limitations
It is not unusual for an illness or injury to implicate several statutes of limitation. A person can be diagnosed with terminal cancer as a result of workplace exposure to asbestos or another hazardous substance, for example. Such a person might also pass away as a result of his or her illness. Under such circumstances, […]
All You Need to Know About the Federal Black Lung Program
Federal Black Lung Program, or Division of Coal Mine Workers’ Compensation, administers benefits filed under the Black Lung Benefits Act. Under this Act, miners who are totally disabled from pneumoconiosis due to coal mine employment and their survivors may file for compensation. “Totally disabled” means the victim is unable to perform the work they did […]
EEOICPA Claims Process
The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program (EEOICPA) compensates employees/survivors of the Department of Energy (DOE) and its contractors and subcontractors suffering from specific illnesses due to exposure to radiation and other toxic substances as authorized by the Act. Stephens and Stephens EEOICPA claims attorneys help victims affected by toxic exposures at covered facilities get […]
The Use and Contamination of PFAS at DOE Facilities
The DOE used PFAS industrially as wetting agents for mist suppression during chrome plating and electroplating processes. PFAS at DOE facilities were also used in various industrial products, such as tubing, piping, seals, gaskets, cables, paints, coatings, and flame retardants. Perfluorinated chemicals were used on an industrial scale in Manhattan Project-era uranium processing operations. PFAS […]
DEEOIC Procedure Manual 2023 Changes
The Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation (DEEOIC) made the following changes to the publication of the Federal (EEOICPA) Procedure Manual (PM) in the latest version 7.1 (v7.1) released on March 15, 2023. The DEEOIC Procedure Manual 2023 Changes appear as follows: Chapter 11 Initial Development Ch. 11.7c has been updated to reference relevant […]
PFAS Contamination at Fort Leavenworth Army Base, Kansas Drinking Water
2016 testing of PFAS Contamination at Fort Leavenworth Army Base, Kansas, drinking water supply wells indicated very high combined PFAS results, with two wells testing 649 and 159 ppt. During the 2016 sampling, the treated drinking water at the installation had a combined PFOA/PFOS of 98ppt. 2019 sampling data from drinking water well PWW-08 established […]