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The tenth video of our EEOICPA series features an explanation of the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act claims filing process and discusses some of the standard forms involved.

Hugh explains the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) claims-filing process. He discusses some of the required standard forms, fees for representation, and the types of professionals someone interested in filing a claim can hire. In addition, he talks about the information you need to file a claim and obstacles that a claimant might realistically face. The fees are set by statute and don’t vary based on the type of professional who might represent you. Typically you need proof of cancer and proof of employment.

The EEOICPA Claims-Filing process is what we do best. Let us help you understand this long and confusing claims process so that you feel empowered to act.

[button title=”SUBMIT YOUR CLAIM FOR EVALUATION” link=”https://stephensstephens.com/contact-us/” target=”_blank” align=”” icon=”” icon_position=”” color=”#171c4b” font_color=”#ffffff” size=”2″ full_width=”” class=”” download=”” rel=”” onclick=””]

You can watch this video and the rest of the series on YouTube.