Do you need REVCA claims assistance?
Stephens & Stephens has contacted the Veterans Administration. According to the office, there is not a specific REVCA claim form available. The best way to file a claim is to call the Veterans Administration Radiation Help Line at 1-800-827-1000. From there, a representative will take your claim over the phone and mail you a package of documents for filing the claim.
File a REVCA Claim: Contact the U.S. Department of Energy
Veterans who seek such payment and health-care must file a claim with the VA alleging that they have an ailment and that it is service-connected. The VA will then assess the claim by examining the individual and his or her medical and military record.
In order to get the necessary military records for filing a claim under REVCA, RECA, or the EEOICPA, you can request files from the U.S. Department of Energy by writing to the following address or contacting them by telephone:
U.S. Department of Energy
Bechtel Nevada
Attn: Dosimetry Research Project, M/S CF401
P.O. Box 98521
Las Vegas, NV 89193-8521
Phone: 702-295-3521
Fax: 702-295-1624
When you write and/or call the above number:
- Request the “Radiation Exposure History” and The “Privacy Act Form NV-192.”
- After you receive the forms, fill them out and return them to Bechtel Nevada.
- In addition, be sure to request all the information they have listed about you, especially the Form For Recording Film Badge Issue And Processing Results, as well as the Form For Recording Film Badge Issue And Processing Results–Equipment.
- Make sure to tell them which atomic test you were in, your military unit or organization and the date you were exposed to radiation.
Need Help Filing an REVCA Claim?
Stephens & Stephens is a leading law firm specializing in radiation exposure. If you or a family member were an uranium worker and developed a condition due to exposure to harmful radiation, you may be entitled to compensation of up to $150K plus medical benefits. For EEOICPA or RECA claims assistance, contact our counsel at 1-800-548-4494 or fill out our free claim evaluation. We can still offer help if you’ve already filed, even if your claim was denied!