Federal Fire Protection Employees’ Compensation
Fire protection employees are routinely exposed to occupational hazards. These toxins include diesel emissions, combustion emissions, and carcinogens released during fires. As a result, people
Call Us Now: 716.208.3525
If you need immediate assistance, please contact EEOICPA Attorney Hugh Stephens
directly on his personal line at 716-208-3525.
If you, your parent, or your grandparent worked for a Department of Energy facility or an Atomic Weapons Employer (AWE) facility and has a condition or died related to exposure to radiation or a toxic substance, then you are eligible to apply for compensation under EEOICPA.
Uranium Miners, Millers & Transporters Did you mine between 1942-1971 and were you diagnosed with with a lung illness? If you, your parent, or your grandparent developed a condition, then you may be eligible for up to $400,000 in compensation plus comprehensive medical benefits.
We have extensive experience representing nuclear workers, manufacturers & corporations, and local businesses. Together with engineers, chemists, toxicologists, and hydrogeologists we analyze each case to deliver a superior work product.
Please do not hesitate to contact us for a claim, an objection filed or with questions about the program. Our EEOICPA Attorneys and RECA Attorneys are happy to share our thoughts about and experiences with the program and hope we can help with your claim.
In 2001, Congress passed the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA), to provide compensation to people who have developed certain illnesses as a result of exposure to radioactive and toxic substances while employed in atomic weapons programs.
Fire protection employees are routinely exposed to occupational hazards. These toxins include diesel emissions, combustion emissions, and carcinogens released during fires. As a result, people
The Savannah River Site (SRS) is a US DOE industrial complex that produces, processes, secures, and stores nuclear materials for national defense. It also engages
Hanford reservation employees’ health has been affected by exposure to toxic and radioactive materials while working at the nuclear site. Stephens and Stephens LLP helps
Stephens & Stephens would love to work with you to get you the compensation you deserve.
Please fill out this form for your free claim evaluation and we will contact you shortly
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